6th Class School Tour

6th class went on their school tour to Kilfinane Outdoor Education Centre. An account by Steeva Mathew:

“On June 8th, 2017,  6th class ventured on our school tour to the Kilfinane Outdoor Education Centre. At first we thought it was a little too close to home, but we were assured of a great day. We were not disappointed. We had a lot of fun doing rock climbing, archery, orienteering and a river walk. Before our trip, we thought this river walk may consist of simply walking through a river….we were very wrong! The instructors gave us lots of challenges to do along the way. We had to put ourselves underwater and had to try to go behind a waterfall. The instructors were very friendly and helped us through all the activities. At the end of the river trip we were encouraged to jump into the water. This was great fun! During some point of the day it started raining, but we hardly noticed!!  We had a lot of fun on our school tour to Kilfinane. It was a wonderful way to spend one of our last days in primary school.”